
An Organized Workspace for Learners with Special Needs?

Why is it so important to teach our learners with special needs how to organize their learning space and keep it clean?  Anxiety.  Plain and simple.  […]

Effective Tutoring for Learner’s with Special Needs

Effective tutoring is a process that enables the learner to build confidence in their ability to learn and develop competent skills both academically and socially.  As a […]

How to Help your Child Stay on Task

Many learners with special needs whether in the classroom or in the homeschool environment struggle with focus and staying on task.  However, there are many ways […]

Assistive Technology

When a learner with special needs has difficulty accessing the world around them, educators can assign specific assistive technology (AT) devices to support the learner.  AT […]

Communication Strategies

An evidence-based practice (EBP) is a specific approach in teaching that is used in a situation or environment that produces an effective outcome (Sam, Kucharczyk, & […]

Evidence-Based Strategies for Learners with Special Needs

There are some Evidence-Based strategies that can easily be implemented with minimal support and training to parents and educators.  These include visual supports, reinforcement and prompting.  […]

 Why it is important to design and structure successful learning environments?

 Why it is important to design and structure successful learning environments that meet the sensory and learning needs of students with special needs  “Sensory and motor […]

Strategies for learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Cognitive impairments often affect the ability for learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder to think literal, understand abstract concepts, use their imagination, and organize information or classwork […]

Social Stories

“Young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often demonstrate delays in expressive communication, impacting their ability to independently function in typical environments” (Lane, Shepley, & Lieberman-Betz, […]