Special Needs Tutors for Michigan Students
Individualized Special Ed Tutoring in Michigan

All children in Michigan deserve the best education possible, regardless of their physical abilities, emotional problems, or learning needs. Our goal is to help all children reach their educational goals through live, virtual tutoring sessions.
What Qualifies Our Special Needs Tutors?
Finding the right tutor is crucial when working with kids or learners with special needs. Tutors who are educated, experienced, and trained in using a multi-sensory approach to learning are best suited for our learners with special needs. That’s why Special Needs Tutors only hires Michigan state certified special needs teachers. With our staff, your special needs child gets personalized help from instructors who have the skills and the knowledge to best help your child succeed.
Our instructors all have experience and expertise in teaching students with different learning styles. All of our teachers have experience working in a special-needs classroom. Plus, they must have an active special education teaching certification and remain in good standing with their state.
How Do Michigan Special Needs Kids Get the Right Tutor?
At Special Needs Tutors, we understand the importance of setting up each student with the right plan and support to excel in their learning journey. That’s why we offer free consultations with parents to help identify the goals and support that their child may need. Our experienced and Michigan state-certified teachers can help you to determine the right amount of tutoring sessions for your student and make any necessary adjustments along the way. We strive to ensure that each student has the best possible chance for success.
We understand that each child is unique and has their own individual needs. That is why we take the time to carefully assess each child and match them with the right tutor. Our tutors are selected based on the specific needs of the child, their level of support, age, abilities, and tested grade level. We also track progress on each goal identified during the initial consultation to ensure that each child is getting the help they need to be successful.
Along the way, we realize that your child’s needs will change. We want children to grow and adapt, and as they do we will be here to support them. Because we only used certified staff, it’s often possible to change techniques and goals in the middle of a session. Our certified staff can tell the difference between a technique not working or if the approach just needs to be adjusted. The result is that our students become a lot less frustrated, and many of our students and their parents feel as if each tutoring session gets the student closer to his or her goals.

What Is the Cost of Special Needs Tutoring in Michigan?
Our program offers the flexibility to choose the length and frequency of sessions that best suit the needs of your child and your budget. Sessions are priced at only $1.00 per minute. That means you can have a 30 minute session once a week for $30, a 45 minute session twice a week for $90, or a 60 minute session three times a week for $180 with no additional session fees or other costs. After the initial intake appointment, your consultant will be able to provide personalized recommendations to ensure you get the most out of our program.
Unlike other tutoring programs, we don’t charge extra for helping a child when they have special needs. You get the same great rate for our professionals to help your child, regardless of their particular learning needs. We’re so confident in our tutors and your child’s ability to learn that we offer a money-back guarantee on our intensive tutoring courses. We also allow you to request another of our qualified tutors under our satisfaction guarantee. We accept all major credit cards and we’re an approved vendor for most state funding.
In Which Subjects Can a Michigan Learner with Special Needs Get Help?
We currently have special needs learners from kindergarten to young adults. Many of our teachers specialize in reading and math, but we also offer services for science, history, and even foreign language. In addition, we’ve got teachers who specialize in life and study skills.
With our services, parents can help their special needs child succeed in their classes by booking sessions to receive assistance with homework, studying for upcoming tests, and preparing for standardized tests, oral exams, and other assessments. Because our teachers are certified in the state of Michigan, they are trained in the state curriculum requirements to pass each grade level and to graduate high school. This means that parents and guardians don’t need to check every piece of a curriculum. Our certified teachers can be trusted to get your child to the right goals to get the to graduate on time.
Why Choose Special Needs Tutors for Your Michigan Learner?
We are excited to be able to offer personalized virtual tutoring sessions for learners of all ages with special needs. All of our tutors are certified special education teachers, and have extensive experience in working with students who have a variety of educational challenges. Our staff has worked with students on the autism spectrum, learners who have suffered from traumatic brain injuries, and kids with ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, intellectual disabilities,and other health impairments. By providing individualized instruction, we can work to ensure that all learners will reach their fullest potential.
The state of Michigan has a wide mix of socioeconomic groups and cultures. This means that many students in our state struggle to find qualified teachers who can help them with their specific learning challenges. Finding qualified staff to work with students is almost always a problem, and many parents find themselves traveling for hours to gain access to qualified help. In other cases, students find themselves on waiting lists for qualified teachers that stretch on for months or even years.
Our online program provides your child with access to high quality certified teachers who specialize in your child’s learning challenges. Many of our students are able to learn while their parent works in the next room. Our online sessions use effective methods that have been proven to work by years of research into education. This gives each student the chance to focus and learn more effectively.
Years of studying the best methods to help students with learning difficulties have shown that intensive tutoring sessions that are individualized and student-specific produce greater achievement and the ability to generalize skills in the community. Finally, because our tutors use every minute of the session effectively, you get the most from your money and your child receives the greatest amount of help from the session.