How it Works

Best Online Tutoring for Learners with Special Needs
We make learning accessible to virtually anyone, specifically supporting and focusing on those with special needs.
About Our Tutors
All tutors are actively state credentialed special needs teachers.
All tutors are in good standing with their respective state.
All tutors have classroom teaching experience with learners with special needs.
All tutors have a minimum of a Bachelors degree from an accredited College or University.
About Our Learners
- Our learners come from all over the world, with different experiences and opportunities for success.
- One common theme is that everyone has the right to be the best they can be.
- Our team will provide a free assessment to ensure we are a good fit for your child and their learning style.
Our tutors have extensive experience with:
- Specific learning disabilities -SLD
- Autism Spectrum Disorders- ASD
- Dyslexia
- Other health impaired- OHI
- Intellectual disability- ID
- Traumatic brain injury
- And any other disabilities not mentioned
- We currently service learners K-12+ and adults