Special Needs Tutors is the only money-back guarantee tutoring firm that specializes exclusively in the special needs community.
All our special needs tutors are active State Credentialed Special Needs Teachers.
Special Education Achievement Gains
This is a random cross-section of students with autism, SLD, and/or OHI in K-12th+. All students were taught using Dr. Ginger Pillitteri’s special education tutoring method which each of our special needs tutors are using. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

1-on-1 personalized reading tutoring for your child with special needs that focuses on fluency, decoding and comprehension. As the connection is made between sounds, words and sentences, students will apply the rules of language and demonstrate an increase in confidence when reading and understanding.

1-on-1 personalized writing tutoring for special education needs that helps students to develop the foundations of grammar, parts of speech, forming a complete sentence all the way to writing paragraphs. Additionally, students will learn how to add descriptive details to the foundation of their sentences.

1-on-1 personalized math tutoring for special needs learning that provides those foundational skills necessary for success and uses sequential lessons that move from simple concepts to more complex skills.

Homework Help
Continue the learning from the classroom to your room. We make the difficult easy for your special special needs students with our State credentialed Special Needs teachers at your disposal.
Live Virtual Platform for Special Educational Needs
We only hire credentialed special needs teachers to tutor and support your special child for their special needs learning. We specialize and focus specifically on the special needs community by utilizing evidence-based practices for your special needs student and progress monitoring to show achievement.